Nature's Calm, Kerala's Charm: A Retreat to Remember

In the grand saga of daily life's monotony, my reassuring companion is the calendar. Why, you ask? Well, it's all about those gleaming gems called "long weekends" that beckon from its pages, offering a golden chance to escape and embrace the great outdoors! With smooth roads and cars at everyone's beck and call, travel has shed its once-elusive charm, and we've become quite the roving enthusiasts. Tourist spots? They've grown as stale as a leftover pizza. Resorts? Because of those mundane work-sponsored resort trips, going to resorts feels as dull as watching a snail crawl. So, what's the secret sauce to my travel enthusiasm, you wonder? It's simple, really. I crave those  enriching, distinct, and delightful  experiences more than a cat craves a sunbeam. Because when life's a merry-go-round, it's these unique escapades that spin the tale worth telling!

Well, folks, guess what? The long-awaited long weekend in September finally rolled around, and I was itching for a trip that promised a barrel of such experiences. Now, here's the kicker: I had this number saved in my trusty old phonebook - the one for Holistic Stay Resort. Their WhatsApp status consistently showcased captivating videos of this stunning place, and guess where this place is? It is situated amidst the captivating landscapes of Paithalmala, a lush hill station located in the Kannur district of Kerala, straddling the border between Kerala and Karnataka. And the best part? It was the perfect season to go! So, there I was, scrolling through their fancy catalogs, and lo and behold, they had got accommodations that range from tents to tree houses to caravans and all sorts of nature-facing rooms, catering to every group size one can imagine. No need for a wild goose chase; I simply grabbed my phone and voila! Booking was done and dusted!

The Caravan Stay
On the day of our trip, we hit the road for the resort bright and early at 6:30 AM. Thanks to my husband's adept driving skills, we covered the 300-kilometer journey in just six hours, which even included pit stops for fuel and a hearty breakfast. Our choice for the first day was a caravan themed stay, which turned out to be an absolute delight for the kids. The caravan stay was thoughtfully designed with a bathroom attached, a variety of lighting options to set the mood for relaxation, play, reading, or sleeping. Privacy was ensured with windows covered in black foil and curtains. The cozy double bed was exactly what we were looking for, and to top it off, there was a tent on the roof that offered extra space for relaxation and the chance to fully immerse ourselves in the picturesque surroundings, accommodating two people.

After enjoying a delightful day in the caravan, we relocated to a Kerala-style room. This room was thoughtfully designed to create a sense of being surrounded by nature without being fully exposed to the elements. It provided us with a comfortable and spacious environment, allowing us the freedom to move around at ease.

Kerala-style Room - A room with a view!

In the morning, we embarked on an offroading adventure that proved to be both exhilarating and fascinating. As the iconic red jeep maneuvered over muddy and rocky terrain, it evoked memories of the famous children's storybook, 'Duck in the Truck,' a tale I've recounted to my kids countless times. It's a story about a duck driving home in a truck whose jeep gets stuck in the muck. What happens next is really interesting.  Isn't that curiouser? Thank the cosmic custodian of chaos, nothing of that sort happened, and the jeep eventually transported us a few kilometers beyond where the paved road concluded, marking the starting point for those eager to hike towards the Paithalmala peak. With three more days of our trip ahead, we opted to save the hiking experience for later.

We were then led to a private waterfall located within the property, a natural wonder that quite literally marked the division between the two states. It proved to be yet another incredible experience. You see, I'm not a fan of those famous, overcrowded waterfalls where rowdy individuals perform acrobatics while inebriated, and safety can be a concern. However, our hosts had thoughtfully addressed both of these issues. To our delight, we had the entire place to ourselves, and they had ingeniously rigged ropes in a way that eliminated any risk of drowning. This meant that even non-swimmers could explore the area without fear, using the ropes for support. We savored every moment of this unforgettable experience. 

The serene private waterfall on the border

The resort had a delightful array of attractions to offer. They had a charming farm complete with friendly animals like ducks, rabbits and more. For those seeking adventure, there were activities like the Burma bridge and thrilling ziplining. For those seeking relaxation and rejuvenation, there was an Ayurvedic spa available. Additionally, they had a fascinating honey bee farm. One of the highlights was the owner of the resort giving an engaging talk on apiculture. Learning about the intricate world of bees, their life cycle, and their vital role was both informative and truly exciting.

Panoramic Cloudscape Hut
Originally, we had intentions of going trekking and visiting the Kannur beach, which is situated approximately 60 kilometers from the resort during our 4-day trip. But, after a relatively drier first day, the following three days were drenched in incessant rainfall; it seemed like the heavens were pouring their heart out. We weren't fully prepared to venture out in the rain, especially since the monsoon typically subsides around this time. However, we found solace in the resort's restaurant, which served warm, delicious homemade meals. In addition to our room offering the picturesque views, there were common areas that brought us closer to nature. We spent our time there, sipping tea, savoring hot snacks, enjoying family games and immersing ourselves in the sights and sounds of nature. The rain became an ally rather than an impediment, and we hardly even noticed the inclement weather.

Misty Mountain Vista (as observed from the hut)

The hosts and staff at the resort were incredibly cheerful and always eager to assist, ensuring we had the most enjoyable experience possible. We engaged in enlightening conversations with both the owner and the manager, gaining valuable insights. Besides, we also shared moments discussing art, and even indulged in some singing and dancing during a delightful barbecue gathering.

Speaking of Kerala in simple terms, it's remarkably clean and tranquil. The people are generally warm-hearted. I've had the pleasure of visiting it three times so far, and it has never let me down. Last year, I had the incredible opportunity to explore the enchanting "Land of the Gods," Uttarakhand. After my visit, my mind struggled to fully appreciate any natural scenery. Every time I gazed at a brilliant blue sky adorned with shiny clouds, I couldn't help but search for the iconic, snow-clad peaks hidden behind them. It was as though the beauty of other landscapes paled in comparison. Yet, my recent journey to "God's Own Country," Kerala, has provided me with an entirely new perspective on nature. Both these regions, deeply intertwined with divine mystique, exude an unparalleled sense of peace, beauty, and serenity. Kerala's lush landscapes have, in many ways, helped me let go of my fixation on Uttarakhand's peaks, allowing me to embrace the diverse wonders of our incredible India.

A cloud-enveloped Paithalmala peak evoking Himalayan majesty


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